Notice: Undefined index: HTTPS in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/current-page.php on line 14

Notice: Undefined variable: code in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 2206

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

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Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

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Notice: Undefined variable: code in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/tpl.php on line 70

الحوار النصراني الإسلامي

  • الحوار النصراني الإسلامي

    خلص البحث إلى أهمية الحوار، وأنه ينطلق منطلقات متعددة، وأنه لا يمكن قبول أي منطلق إلا بقدر موافقته للشرع الحنيف، وبمعرفة أهدافه وغاياته ومكاسبه التي حققها. كما بين الباحث في هذا البحث أن الإسلام حث على الحوار الشرعي الذي يحقق نشر الإسلام ودعوة الناس إلى الهدى، ويثبت الذين آمنوا ويزيدهم هدى، وينافح عن الإسلام ويفند الشبهات، ويظهر الحق ويدمغ الباطل. وتناول البحث أيضا تاريخ الحوار والعلاقة بين الإسلام والنصرانية وبين أنها مرت بفترات وبمستويات متباينة، كما ذكر أن الحوار مر بمرحلتين ، وأن منطلقات المرحلة الثانية تضمنت دعوة إلى التقارب الديني بين الإسلام والنصرانية، وأن هذا المنطلق كان الداعي إليه والمنظم لكثير من مؤتمراته هو الجانب النصراني، وأن أغلب المكاسب إنما حققها هذا الجانب. وأوضح الباحث – بحسب اجتهاده – رأي الشرع في هذه المؤتمرات والحوارات، وأن الحوار الذي يستهدف الدعوة إلى الإسلام والمنافحة عنه، وتحقيق التعايش السلمي وفق الضوابط الشرعية؛ أنه لا بأس به ، أما المنطلق الرابع الخاص بالتقارب الديني فهذا لا يجوز بحسب ما تضمنه البحث.

    المصدر: https:////


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