Notice: Undefined index: HTTPS in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/current-page.php on line 14

Notice: Undefined variable: code in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 2206

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

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Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/tpl.php on line 69

Notice: Undefined variable: code in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/tpl.php on line 70

المفيد على كتاب التوحيد

  • المفيد على كتاب التوحيد

    المفيد على كتاب التوحيد : قال الشارح - أثابه الله - « ألَّف الشيخ - رحمه الله - هذا الكتاب - كتاب التوحيد -؛ لبيان حقيقة التوحيد وشُعَبه وفضائله، وحقوقه ومكملاته، وما يحصل به تحقيقه، ووجوب الدعوة إليه، والتنبيه على حقيقة الشرك وأنواعه كالأكبر والأصغر، والجلي والخفي، وبيان شُعَبـِه وخصاله وخطره، ووجوب الحذر منه كله، قليله وكثيره، دقيقه وجليله وذرائعه، والتنبيه على ذرائعه من البدع وأمور الجاهلية وكبائر الذنوب وغير ذلك من المحرمات التي تنافي التوحيد بالكلية، أو تنقص كماله الواجب، أو تقدح فيه وتضعفه. لذا فهذا الكتاب كتاب عظيم النفع، جليل القدر، غزير العلم، مبارك الأثر، لا يُعلم أنه سبق أن صُنِّف مثله في معناه رغم صغر حجمه؛ لكثرة فوائده وحسن تأثيره على متعلِّميه، فينبغي حفظه وفهمه، والعناية بدراسته، وتأمّل ما فيه من الآيات المحكمات، والأحاديث الصحيحات، والآثار المروية عن السلف الصالح؛ لما فيها من العلم النافع والترغيب في العمل الصالح والهدى المستقيم، والدلالة على توحيد الله تعالى والإخلاص لـه، والتنبيه على بطلان الشرك والبدع وسائر ما حرّم الله تعالى من أنواع ذلك وفروعه ووسائله وما يُوصل إليه ».

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