Notice: Undefined index: HTTPS in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/current-page.php on line 14

Notice: Undefined variable: code in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 2206

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 133

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Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/tpl.php on line 69

Notice: Undefined variable: code in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/tpl.php on line 70


  • الاستشراق

    الاستشراق: كثيرًا ما يتردَّد على ألسنة الخطباء وفي الصحف والمجلات وفي الكتب كلمة (استشراق) وبخاصة عندما يكون الحديث عن الغزو الفكري أو الثقافي وآثاره السيئة، وقد بالَغَ البعضُ في ذم الاستشراق وكل ما يمُتُّ إليه بصلة، بينما يرى البعض أن الاستشراق إنما هو جهد علمي لدراسة الشرق، وبخاصة بعض الذين تتلمذوا على أيدي بعض المستشرقين؛ حيث يرون فيهم المثال في المنهجيـة والإخلاص والدقة وغير ذلك من النعوت المادحة. وقد صدرت كتابات كثيرة تتناول تعريف الاستشراق ونشأته وأهدافه ودوافعه ومناهجه، ولما كانت الموسوعة الوسيطة للأديان والمذاهب الفكرية المعاصرة رأَت أن يُكتب عن الاستشراق لما له من تأثير في الفكر العربي الإسلامي المعاصر، فقد كانت هذه الصفحات التي تحاول أن تقدم تعريفًا للاستشراق وأهدافه وأثره في العالم الإسلامي في النواحي العقدية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية، كما تتضمن الصفحات الآتية تعريفًا بأبرز المستشرقين ونبذة عن إنتاجهم الفكري.

    المصدر: https:////


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