Notice: Undefined index: HTTPS in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/current-page.php on line 14

Notice: Undefined variable: code in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 2206

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

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Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

Notice: Undefined index: more in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 721

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/class.php on line 724

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Notice: Undefined variable: code in /home/devuser/www/qsc/includes/tpl.php on line 70

تفسير القرطبي - سورة النور - الآية 1

خيارات حفظ الصفحة والطباعة

حفظ الصفحة بصيغة ووردحفظ الصفحة بصيغة النوت باد أو بملف نصيحفظ الصفحة بصيغة htmlطباعة الصفحة
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سُورَةٌ أَنزَلْنَاهَا وَفَرَضْنَاهَا وَأَنزَلْنَا فِيهَا آيَاتٍ بَيِّنَاتٍ لَّعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ (1) (النور) mp3
مَقْصُود هَذِهِ السُّورَة ذِكْر أَحْكَام الْعَفَاف وَالسِّتْر . وَكَتَبَ عُمَر رَضِيَ اللَّه عَنْهُ إِلَى أَهْل الْكُوفَة : ( عَلِّمُوا نِسَاءَكُمْ سُورَة النُّور ) . وَقَالَتْ عَائِشَة رَضِيَ اللَّه عَنْهَا : ( لَا تُنْزِلُوا النِّسَاء الْغُرَف وَلَا تُعَلِّمُوهُنَّ الْكِتَابَة وَعَلِّمُوهُنَّ سُورَة النُّور وَالْغَزْل ) . " وَفَرَضْنَاهَا " قُرِئَ بِتَخْفِيفِ الرَّاء ; أَيْ فَرَضْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ وَعَلَى مَنْ بَعْدكُمْ مَا فِيهَا مِنْ الْأَحْكَام . وَبِالتَّشْدِيدِ : أَيْ أَنْزَلْنَا فِيهَا فَرَائِض مُخْتَلِفَة . وَقَرَأَ أَبُو عَمْرو : " وَفَرَّضْنَاهَا " بِالتَّشْدِيدِ أَيْ قَطَّعْنَاهَا فِي الْإِنْزَال نَجْمًا نَجْمًا . وَالْفَرْض الْقَطْع , وَمِنْهُ فُرْضَة الْقَوْس . وَفَرَائِض الْمِيرَاث وَفَرْض النَّفَقَة . وَعَنْهُ أَيْضًا " فَرَضْنَاهَا " فَصَّلْنَاهَا وَبَيَّنَّاهَا . وَقِيلَ : هُوَ عَلَى التَّكْثِير ; لِكَثْرَةِ مَا فِيهَا مِنْ الْفَرَائِض . وَالسُّورَة فِي اللُّغَة اِسْم لِلْمَنْزِلَةِ الشَّرِيفَة ; وَلِذَلِكَ سُمِّيَتْ السُّورَة مِنْ الْقُرْآن سُورَة . قَالَ زُهَيْر : أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّه أَعْطَاك سُورَة تَرَى كُلّ مَلْك دُونهَا يَتَذَبْذَب وَقَدْ مَضَى فِي مُقَدِّمَة الْكِتَاب الْقَوْل فِيهَا . وَقُرِئَ " سُورَة " بِالرَّفْعِ عَلَى أَنَّهَا مُبْتَدَأ وَخَبَرهَا " أَنْزَلْنَاهَا " ; قَالَهُ أَبُو عُبَيْدَة وَالْأَخْفَش . وَقَالَ الزَّجَّاج وَالْفَرَّاء وَالْمُبَرِّد : " سُورَة " بِالرَّفْعِ لِأَنَّهَا خَبَر الِابْتِدَاء ; لِأَنَّهَا نَكِرَة وَلَا يُبْتَدَأ بِالنَّكِرَةِ فِي كُلّ مَوْضِع , أَيْ هَذِهِ سُورَة . وَيَحْتَمِل أَنْ يَكُون قَوْله " سُورَة " اِبْتِدَاء وَمَا بَعْدهَا صِفَة لَهَا أَخْرَجَتْهَا عَنْ حَدّ النَّكِرَة الْمَحْضَة فَحَسُنَ الِابْتِدَاء لِذَلِكَ , وَيَكُون الْخَبَر فِي قَوْله " الزَّانِيَة وَالزَّانِي " . وَقُرِئَ " سُورَةً " بِالنَّصْبِ , عَلَى تَقْدِير أَنْزَلْنَا سُورَة أَنْزَلْنَاهَا. وَقَالَ الشَّاعِر : وَالذِّئْب أَخْشَاهُ إِنْ مَرَرْت بِهِ وَحْدِي وَأَخْشَى الرِّيَاح وَالْمَطَرَا أَوْ تَكُون مَنْصُوبَة بِإِضْمَارِ فِعْل أَيْ اُتْلُ سُورَة. وَقَالَ الْفَرَّاء : هِيَ حَال مِنْ الْهَاء وَالْأَلِف , وَالْحَال مِنْ الْمُكَنَّى يَجُوز أَنْ يَتَقَدَّم عَلَيْهِ .
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